Coffee is one of the most consumed good on the planet. My personal love affair with coffee began years ago and can be directly blamed on my husband. I never drank it before I met him. He comes from a coffee loving family, and insisted early on in our marriage that we get a coffee maker for him and any of his visiting family members. Of course it did not take long to suck me into the “let’s put on a pot of coffee and chat” scene. So it began. Now I could not even imagine starting my day without a hot cup, (OK, more like 3 cups, but who is counting) of fresh ground and brewed coffee. Little did my husband or I expect, that I was the one who would be coined a “coffee snob”. Actually, truth be told, I HATE that term. That’s what other people have called me, and others like me, when we really just love good coffee. I always say if you are going to drink it, why would you not want it to be awesome? Crappy coffee just doesn’t even make any sense. Anyway, here are some interesting fun finds about coffee.

Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer, along with Vietnam, Columbia, and Indonesia also being big players. Only two states on the U.S., California and Hawaii, grow coffee plants. The U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico has a thriving coffee industry.

Light roast coffee actually has more caffeine. This is something I was happy to learn. I prefer dark roast coffee for the taste. Too much caffeine later in the day will interfere with my sleep. In fact, I often opt for decaf in the afternoon. Before you gasp, there are some amazing decaf coffee beans out there. I have tried lots! Some are so good, I would bet you money that if I made you a cup you would not know the difference.

Coffee beans are actually the pit of a cherry-looking fruit that grow on a bush. So, you could say coffee is my favorite fruit…I know, that’s probably a stretch.

Apparently, coffee stays warm longer with cream in it. I’m not sure about this one. I have never tested this theory, but a Google search claims some people have and came to this conclusion. I do like creamer so this works for me.

Coffee dates back a long way. Like to the 9th century. Legend has it that goats who munched on the fruit of the coffee bush got a little wild. So obviously humans had to try it. And the rest, as they say, is history.