Category: wellness

Raspberry Smoothie Delight

Raspberry & Chocolate! If you haven’t already guessed, I am a smoothie addict. I make and drink them every single day. I find that it’s just a super simple and easy way for me to have something that is, in my opinion, 100% nutritious. I also tend to struggle with trying to eat enough fruit,…

2020… A Year We Will Never Forget

January 1, 2021. If you would have told me one year ago on this day what the new year would bring, I am 100% sure I would have never believed it. Still can’t. I’m sure many of us feel this way. The things that have happened over this last year are the things most of…

Vanilla Cranberry Protein Bars

I have been craving something made with oatmeal lately for some reason. I don’t know, maybe it’s the weather? I was looking in the pantry for my usual protein bar ingredients when I noticed that I had some dried cranberries that needed to be used up. I do not remember if I have ever made…

Living With Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease

Disclaimer… I am not a Dr. and have no intention of giving anyone any medical advice about any health concern. I am simply sharing my experience with a nearly lifelong medical condition. I was first diagnosed with thyroid disease when I was just 15 years old, 27 years ago. My parents had taken me to…

Vegan Date & Pumpkin Seed Protein Bars

I’m really excited to share this recipe with you today because this little gem is not only a tasty, crunchy snack, it’s also loaded with good stuff! Pumpkin seeds & flaxseeds are tiny little nutritional powerhouses. Dates add a natural sweetness along with a good dose of fiber. And the coconut oil and peanut butter…

Vegan Dark Chocolate Strawberry & Coconut Protein Smoothie

The tasty, healthy ingredients! It’s rare that I ever switch up my smoothie game, as I am a creature of habit and possibly routine to a weird fault. But today I got crazy! I had some strawberries that were starting to look sad and neglected, so I came up with this decadent deliciousness! Strawberries are…

The Importance Of Vitamin B-12 For Health

There is no shortage of vitamins, minerals, and supplements on the market today, all trying to convince us that each one is the magic bullet for optimum health. Separating the hype from the facts is no easy task. So which vitamins and supplements do you really need? I believe the answer is different for all…

Walk To Better Your Health

Walking is something most of us do without giving much thought to. We have simply used it as a means of self-transportation since we were able to take those first few steps when we were toddlers. Walking quickly turns to running when we are children. I can still remember many times my brother and I…

Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

All you need for an awesome vegan smoothie! If you are looking for an easy, healthy way to sneak more protein into your diet, or just looking for a quick, nutritious snack on the go, look no further. This is the vegan protein smoothie I make almost every single day! Yes, I love it that…

Why You Should Be Lifting Weights

Love My Dumbbells Disclaimer…I am no Dr., this is simply my years of experience with lifting weights that I would like to share with you. You should always check with your Dr. before starting any workout program. I would also encourage you to consult a personal trainer to help you safety begin your strength training…