Baking in the sun!

Over the last couple of years, I have been trying my hand at canning, and working to perfect my recipe for homemade pickles. My husband and I probably eat an abnormal amount of pickles in any given year. We just love them. But we’re fussy. We don’t love just any old bland pickle. No. They have to be your well above average pickle. Crunchy, spicy, garlicky deliciousness. So, after much trial and error, I think we have a winner. But I didn’t stop with just the pickles. I decided to throw in some other tasty veggies as well! I will warn you now, these are strong on vinegar and have a little kick. Just the way we love ’em. Let me know what you think!

I use the 32oz/quart size Mason jars for these veggies. The amount of veggies will vary based on how large or small you cut up the veggies as well as what type of veggies you choose. You will also need white distilled vinegar.


1 Tablespoon Kosher Salt

1 Tablespoon minced garlic (the jar kind with liquid)

10-15 whole black peppercorns

3/4-1 Tablespoon Dill Weed

Dash of cayenne pepper

Dash of garlic salt

Dash of onion powder

Pinch of alum

Add the ingredients listed above to a clean Mason jar. Next add cucumbers, onions, cauliflower, or whatever veggies you choose to pickle, into the jar. Fill jar, but do not overstuff it. Using a 1/2 cup size measuring cup, add equal parts of vinegar and water until you fill the jar about 1/2 inch from rim. Place lid on jar securely and shake well to mix and disperse seasonings. Place outside in the sun for 3 days. Shake jar each day. Then refrigerate and enjoy!