Category: fitness

Walk To Better Your Health

Walking is something most of us do without giving much thought to. We have simply used it as a means of self-transportation since we were able to take those first few steps when we were toddlers. Walking quickly turns to running when we are children. I can still remember many times my brother and I…

Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

All you need for an awesome vegan smoothie! If you are looking for an easy, healthy way to sneak more protein into your diet, or just looking for a quick, nutritious snack on the go, look no further. This is the vegan protein smoothie I make almost every single day! Yes, I love it that…

Why You Should Be Lifting Weights

Love My Dumbbells Disclaimer…I am no Dr., this is simply my years of experience with lifting weights that I would like to share with you. You should always check with your Dr. before starting any workout program. I would also encourage you to consult a personal trainer to help you safety begin your strength training…

Foam Rolling & Myofascial Release For Muscle & Back Pain

My tools for pain and myofascial release! A few year ago I was stricken with a back injury that left me damn near immobile. I could barely take a deep breath without intense pain that radiated from my low back all the way down the back of my left leg. I could not take a…

My Love Of Fitness & Weight Lifting

This was a yoga day. I will start by saying I am by no means a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, dietitian, or any other type of expert when it comes to health and fitness. Although, these careers have crossed my mind as well as been suggested to me by others who know my passions. What…