Raw cacao powder is the amazing gift born from the cacao pod and is one of my favorite foods. While I don’t consume it on it’s own, I eat it in some manner every single day. It’s wonderful in smoothies, shakes, specialty coffee drinks, and recipes. Raw cacao has undergone minimal processing, and in my opinion has a richer, bolder flavor, as opposed to Dutch-processed cocoa which is usually treated with a chemical to slightly alter the taste and color.

It is said that the Aztecs believed that cacao was given to them by their gods. Although, it is actually believed to date back further to around 1500 BC. Thought to be mainly consumed by society’s upper crust people, cacao beans were ground up and used to make an unsweetened cocoa drink. As it was traded and more widely discovered, it became known as an aphrodisiac. One of the first chocolate shops was opened in London in the 1600’s. But again, due to the high price, only the rich were able to afford the decadent chocolate drink. Consuming chocolate in a solid form, such as a cake, came soon after. It wasn’t until around the 1700’s that the price of chocolate came down to a point that the non-wealthy could afford. Thank goodness for the rest of us. New and better ways of refining and grinding the beans were invented. In 1780 America’s first chocolate mill started making BAKER’S Chocolate. Other famous makers worldwide including, but not limited to, Cadbury, Nestle, Godiva, and Hershey’s soon followed.

Cacao definitely has some impressive reported health benefits as well. It has a reputation for being a nutrient dense food. Cacao powder is super high in antioxidants, as well as containing magnesium, potassium, iron, alkaloids, fiber, protein, and zinc. Although I would be lying if I said that any of that was why I eat raw cacao powder. The simple truth is, I love it. And I love super dark chocolate. I can’t believe that I used to like milk chocolate more! Now I would choose the quality over the quantity. A great cup of coffee and a delicious piece of dark chocolate made with healthy cacao…yes…it doesn’t get any better for me.

Thanks for stopping by to read about my simple, minimal life.