Do you possess a passion or purpose that has driven you your entire life? Are you one of the lucky people who has know what you were meant to do and why since you were young? Were you fortunate enough to go into the career that you dreamed about as a child? If your answer is yes to those questions, then I am truly happy for you. I am also insanely jealous, and would love to know if there was some kind of secret formula that was perhaps shared with you when you were a kid?! Because I am still searching for it!

The truth is I’m 42 years old and still don’t know what I really want in this life. I am blessed in so many ways, including enjoying good health, my husband of 20 years, and my awesome family. However, my lack of direction, passion, and purpose sometimes makes me feel like I am failing and falling behind. I try hard not to fall into the trap of comparing my life with anyone else’s, as I have always enjoyed and embraced my individuality. But I would be lying if I didn’t admit that sometimes I look at others who appear to have much more order/success/direction in their life than mine…and wonder why I can’t get my shit together.

For those that don’t know, I was a barber for 20 years. While I didn’t hate it and enjoyed success per my decent size clientele, I had no real passion for it either. I now am a licensed real estate agent and am finding it to be a unique new challenge. Because I am so new at it (3 months), time will tell if it turns out to be a real passion in my life. I hope so. I do like trying to help people find their place to call home. Watching and listening to someone imagine how a house would be arranged for their family and lifestyle is actually a pretty neat thing to be part of.

Perhaps one reason why I like to take people to look at houses is because I don’t own one. This is another example of my lack of direction and decision making. We sold our last house a few years back, and are renting until we decide where we want to buy land and build (my husband is a licensed builder) again. I say all the time that I can’t wait until I have my own home again, but can’t tell my poor husband where I want that house to be. He’s sweet enough to leave that decision to me. However, my answer remains a mystery. I’m sure he will be forced to make to make the decision eventually, like probably when he’s tired of hearing me complain about not having my own land and house.

As I sit here typing this, thinking about the things I truly enjoy doing, this blog is one of them. I like sharing thoughts, experiences, recipes, and the such. When I started this website earlier this year during the Covod-19 lockdown, it was to give myself an outlet, and something more to do. I am not super techy, and have had to put in a great deal of effort to figure out this website building thing as I have gone along. And I still have much to learn, but I am kinda proud of myself! I actually can’t believe I have continued this long! I honesty didn’t know that I would grow to love it like I do. But I am still here! Still thinking about what I want to share and blog about next!

Those in my life who know me well, know that my true loves are my family, my coffee, food/cooking, and health/fitness. I love road trips and nature hikes with my husband and our pup. I love to play sports. If I could figure out a way to combine them all and turn it into a career that would bring passion, order, and direction into my life that would be awesome…LOL. I know… Until then, I guess I will continue to flail & float through this life, figuring it out as I go!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!