Warning…Cookie Dough is an addictive substance! Proceed at your own risk!
Let’s be honest, no one has ever uttered the words “I don’t like cookie dough”. And if they have, they apparently have no taste buds, and I just can’t help but to feel sorry for them. Since my mother is an amazing baker, I have eaten an abnormal amount of raw cookie dough throughout my life. This has never caused me any ill effects, even though it’s not necessarily recommended due to the raw eggs and non-heat treated flour. No worries with this little recipe! There are no eggs or flour included here! Just great chewy texture and delicious flavor to satisfy your sweet tooth…or teeth in my case! I hope you love it!
2 Cups oats
1 Cup creamy natural peanut butter
3/4 Cup light corn syrup
1/4 Cup cane sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon warm water
1/4 cup M&M’s
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl and stir to mix well. Dig in and enjoy your cookie dough!