When this pandemic lockdown began, for those of us in Michigan around March 23, I am betting none of us could have guessed that it would have lasted as long as it has. I had to make a tough personal decision to stop working the week before our State shutdown. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t scared. I am a barber. How do you social distance that? So my last day of work was on Saturday March 14. Unless you are someone who has a job that falls under the essential sector, I think it’s safe to say you have had some spare time on your hands. I know I have. But what have you been doing with it is the question? Maybe you had projects that had needed your attention for some time? Or you had a stack of books that you had been meaning to read? Maybe you had to catch up on sleep? Or you have small children at home that would make that near impossible…LOL! Whatever you have been doing, I hope it’s been keeping you safe and healthy.

I have personally been using this time for a number of things. When this Covid-19 lockdown began in mid-March, my husband and I still had our taps in the sugar maple trees that we make syrup from. This marked our 3rd season for cooking sap and making super delicious syrup. Since the weather was right and we had the time, we were able to cook sap on 3 different weekends. The last 2 years we have only done 2 cooks. So that was fun, and yummy.

I also decided that I needed to organize my photos. I ordered a large photo album to start. Then I realized that I, like most everyone today, have about 1 million pics on my phone. No way will one photo album will be enough. This is a project I have to rethink.

I am into working out and being active so I upped my game in terms of how many days I am working out and have added in some yoga, which I am really bad at, but obviously need. I also have my dog, Jersey, that keeps me active with our long walks.

Unfortunately, I also am really into food…LOL! I have had waaayyy to much coffee, made every way you can think of. I have been cooking, baking, which I NEVER bake, and eating my way through this shutdown! I can’t say that I have deprived myself of anything.

I picked up a few games when I went to buy groceries. My husband and I played a game of checkers the other night. I can’t remember the last time I did that. Makes me think about all the games we used to play growing up when there were no phones and no internet. I miss those days sometimes.

Well, however much longer this lasts, I hope you stay safe and healthy, and hopefully we all can find the joy in the little things that surround us at home.