While it’s not officially Summer until the Summer Solstice on Saturday June 20th, here in Michigan we have definitely had some warm summer weather. I have always felt like us Michiganders appreciate the nice weather a little more then people who live in locations that do not suffer our crap winters. I cringe when I hear anyone utter “it’s too hot!”. What the what? Would you rather be shoveling snow, or trying to chip the ice off your car windows in the freezing cold morning hours before work? Not me. Not to mention we only get about 2 hours of daylight during the worst of winter. OK, I’m exaggerating. It’s like 5. Which is why the month leading up to the Summer Solstice, aka the longest day of the year, is my favorite time. Everyday you get a little more time before the sun goes down. It’s simply wonderful.
I love the warm summer nights that are perfect for relaxing outside before bed. The night air always seems to smell different to me. I’m sure it’s just my imagination, but I enjoy it none the less. And if you have ever lived in a rural area, away from the noise of people and traffic, you know that the sound of night comes alive. All the crickets, frogs… it’s like a little symphony. So peaceful. So calming.
And then there is the night sky. Until you have gotten away from all artificial light, you have not really seen the stars. It’s stunning. No matter how many times I look up to gaze at the moon and the stars, it’s always mesmerizing. Of course the stars are still there in the winter, but who can stand out there for long to admire them when it’s sub-zero windchill.
Yes, this is the time of year to take in the awesomeness of what’s all around us. Get outside. DE-stress. Take in the simple moments of peace. I think that’s something we could all use a little more of these days.
Have a beautiful day.