We all love the specialty coffee drinks from our favorite beloved coffee shops. However, the reality is that they are very expensive, especially for someone like me who drinks coffee in excess. Most specialty coffee drinks now exceed $5. Which means if you enjoyed a delicious coffee every afternoon, like I usually do, you would easily spend $150 a month on that little habit! Yikes! And I don’t even want to think about the outrageous amount of sugar that’s in most of them!

Well, I have a pretty darn good hack for making a super cheap, easy, (can I say even a little healthier), and delicious caramel mocha ice coffee at home. I will give you the ingredients and instructions, but you adjust for your taste. Enjoy!

Super Easy Homemade Iced Coffee

Brew 16oz of strong brewed coffee of your choice

1 Tablespoon Raw Cacao Powder

1-2 Tablespoons Caramel Sauce/Syrup- I use a non-dairy coconut one

1/2 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract

Shot of Half and Half -I use a non-dairy one from So Delicious

Chill in fridge for at least two hours. I use a mason jar with a lid so I can shake it up good before I pour it over ice and enjoy!