Tag: recipes

Canning Perfect Pickles & Veggies

Baking in the sun! Over the last couple of years, I have been trying my hand at canning, and working to perfect my recipe for homemade pickles. My husband and I probably eat an abnormal amount of pickles in any given year. We just love them. But we’re fussy. We don’t love just any old…

Easy Vegan Protein Bites

These little protein bites are perfect for when you are craving a quick snack! Not only are they delicious, but also happen to be plant based, super easy, and made with ingredients that you probably have on hand right now. What’s not to love here?! You can thank me later. Recipe 1/3 Cup oats 1/3…

Eat Now Cookie Dough

MMMM…Cookie Dough Warning…Cookie Dough is an addictive substance! Proceed at your own risk! Let’s be honest, no one has ever uttered the words “I don’t like cookie dough”. And if they have, they apparently have no taste buds, and I just can’t help but to feel sorry for them. Since my mother is an amazing…

BBQ Veggie Chicken Nuggets

BBQ Veggie Nuggets…These are so good! Who doesn’t love the flavor of BBQ? The smell, the spices, the sticky, gooey deliciousness! MMMM..YES. The truth is a lot of people think that if you are a vegetarian or vegan that you can’t enjoy good BBQ. Today, that just isn’t true. Now more than ever there are…

Easy Fried Zucchini Fritters

Easy Fried Zucchini Fritters If you are someone who enjoys planting a garden in the Spring, chances are that you probably included at least one zucchini plant. It’s also likely that you were trying to figure out what the heck to do with all the zucchini that you ended up with! At least that’s what…

Easy, Awesome Bruschetta Recipe

LOVE THIS BRUSCHETTA! Anyone who knows me at all knows I LOVE BREAD. Yes, I am well aware that it is nothing more than a giant loaf of carbs. I DON’T CARE! The truth is bread just doesn’t seem as popular as it once was. With the rise of certain diets, (keto, low/no carb), as…

Vegan Dark Chocolate Chia Pudding

Easy Vegan Chocolate Fix! If you are looking for an easy, healthy, and most importantly, chocolate snack, look no further! My dark chocolate chia pudding is here for you! You can top it with fruit, add some delicious peanut butter, or enjoy it as it is. Not only is this pudding tasty, these little chia…

Vegetarian Foodie Seeking Vegetarian Recipes

Food is such a big part of our life. We obviously need it to sustain ourselves, but for people like me who are foodies, it’s more than that. I will admit that I probably spend an abnormal amount of time thinking about food, looking at pictures of food, reading online food menus, browsing food recipes,…