Garden Fresh!
Wild Grown Raspberries!

There is no better time of year for delicious, healthy fresh fruits and vegetables than right now and the upcoming fall here in Michigan. My husband has a green thumb and it shows. Our vegetable garden is in full bloom and it is beautiful sight! We have been enjoying our mixed greens and romaine salad garden crop for some time now. The onions are so crisp and flavorful! The zucchini is growing like crazy! I have already sliced up a few of them and pan fried into yummy little morsels. Our herbs are fragrant and delicious. I especially love basil, which seems to grow so well here. We also have dill, cilantro, and rosemary. We have already eaten all of the radishes and beets, and have been thinking about trying to plant some more to see if they might still grow this late in the season. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival and ripening of our eggplants, pickling cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes. I am planning on making homemade salsa this year. In the past I have only made small dishes of fresh salsa meant to be eaten that day. I would like to try my hand at canning this year. With all of the tomatoes we are going to have coming in, I would also like to make my own marina and spaghetti sauce. We will see if that happens, or if we end up giving most of the crop away to our large families. I will be happy either way as long as those delicious home grown tomatoes are enjoyed by someone!

Where I walk with my fur buddy there is an abundance of wild raspberries. When I notice that they are ripe, I will take a container with us and can usually fill it. I love that nature provides so many healthy and nutritious gifts if we are willing to forage a little, which is actually so much fun!

I hope you are enjoying this time of year as much as I am. Our Michigan Summers are short! Gotta make the most of them! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web and have a beautiful day!