Here in Michigan many people are back to work and businesses are starting to open back up after the nearly 3 month long executive stay at home order that went into effect on March 24th. The Covid-19 Quarantine was certainly not something I ever expected to happen in my lifetime. I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that when this all began, it was sad, scary, and uncertain all at the same time. Most of us were just trying to figure things out. Asking ourselves…What’s my risk, what’s my loved ones risk, can I go buy food and supplies, how long will this last, will I still have a job? And of course the answers were different for each of us. Just as how different everyone was feeling and coping with being quarantined and isolated from their families and friends.

Now we are all starting to reemerge. And I have to say that this “new normal” sure has things looking a little different. Sanitizers, wipes, plexiglass, masks, empty tables at restaurants, spacing and directions marked on signs and floors, limited numbers of people allowed inside businesses, and more. Just this last weekend I played a softball tournament in Frankenmuth and normally good sportsmanship dictates that after each game we line up and high five/slap hands with the opposing team. Not now. If I can be honest, all of this has me feeling a little sad. It seems like we are afraid of each other now. And I do not care for that feeling. My hope is that this does not last forever.

However, I am grateful for the fact that many businesses were able to open back up. I know that unfortunately not all of them could weather this storm and were forced into closing their doors permanently. No one wants to see that happen. But for now I’m trying to focus on the positive. Getting out, supporting the businesses that are open, and waiting to see how our “new normal” evolves. What are your thoughts? How do you see things going forward? Drop a comment and let me hear!

Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!