In mid-March here in Michigan, when the Covid-19 Quarantine began, I, along with everyone else of course, found myself with an abundance of time on my hands. I happily filled it with the things that I love to do including cooking/eating (a lot), working out, and spending time outdoors in nature.

One new habit/hobby that had piqued my interest for some time now, but I had never put any real effort into, is the mindset practice of expressing gratitude, mindfulness, and positive thought/energy. Over the past few years I have read a couple books and have watched a few documentaries on these topics, and I have to say I find it fascinating. In fact, I sometimes go back and reread or re-watch because I love learning about the power of our own minds. The idea that our thoughts/energy can shape our life sounds really out there in left field. Until, that is, you see the science behind it. Some of the studies that have been done on how thoughts and energy can effect plant life, or even a water droplet, should tell us how much it could impact our own environment. But where do you begin if you want to try to shift your mindset/energy?

I decided I would begin with the practice of meditation for mindfulness. Which proved to be more difficult than I imagined. Every time I set aside time for this, exactly nothing was happening. My mind did nothing but wonder. I was so disappointed that I seemed incapable of experiencing that “zen” moment. What was I doing wrong? Then I realized that like so many things in life you need someone to show you how to do something first. Then you go and practice. A lot usually. Like when I started cosmetology school 23 years ago. I definitely didn’t know how to cut hair until I was taught by my instructors. And then it takes LOTS of practice! Enter Meditation App. Well, actually more like 5 meditation apps, because you want choices. And I sometimes get carried away. I quickly found a few guided meditations that put me in a “zone” that was exactly what I had hoped for, but couldn’t achieve on my own. By listening and following the guided practice, I was able to quiet my mind and enjoy the mindful moment. And it gets better each time I do it.

My daily ritual now includes going over what I am grateful for each morning while I drink my coffee. This alone has done wonders for starting my day with positive energy. I also have an ongoing list of positive affirmations for manifesting practice. I usually will read over these at least twice a day. Most nights I listen to my guided meditations for mindfulness, gratitude, and positive energy. This has actually helped my sleep, which I appreciate. I truly love how these new life habits make me feel. Calm, peaceful, more positive. I only wish I would have discovered them sooner! Sending out positive energy and thoughts to all! Have a beautiful day!

Do you have a favorite practice for meditation? What are you grateful for today? How do you experience mindfulness? Let us know below!