My husband and I returned a few days ago from our week long trip to the beautiful Upper Peninsula in our home state of Michigan. We had decided to take a vacation to celebrate our 20 year anniversary. It had been 6 years since I have traveled as far North as Houghton, Hancock, and Calumet. And it sure didn’t disappoint. The Fall colors had already begun when we arrived, but I swear each morning was more brilliant than the one before. Even the temperature was unseasonably warm and pleasant. Perfect for long hikes in what seems like endless nature.

Jersey enjoying nature
Fall colors
Creek where we collected water for the camp sauna

We are fortunate enough to have family members that own a camp outside of Houghton near Atlantic Mine. It is a beautiful, rugged 80 acres. Plenty of room for activity and adventure, or none and just sitting by a fire. It would be hard not to enjoy the peace and quiet. My husband and I, along with our pup Jersey, took advantage of all that the week long stay offered. We hiked, cooked out, made fires, went on 4wheeler rides, star gazed, and took relaxing saunas. Ok…truth be told, I don’t take real saunas. At least not according to my Finnish husband, who has been using saunas his whole life. He likes them so hot I can’t believe he doesn’t die in there. And I have never considered any activity where I feel like I might die to be even remotely relaxing. But hey…I’m not Finnish.

Bridge between Houghton & Hancock

One of the most important things for my husband and I when we travel anywhere, is food. I know that might sound ridiculous, but it’s the truth. We are FOODIES. We actually research where we are going to eat, and what, before we even get on the road. And of course, where we are going to get our specialty coffee after dinner. This trip was no different. And I have to say, we had some great meals and coffees. The Ambassador Restaurant in Houghton served us up a couple of great pizzas. Gemignani’s Italian Restaurant in Hancock had amazing pasta dishes that we both loved, and over ate. Steep & Brew Drive Thru inside Urban Rustics makes a great Iced Caramel Macchiato.

We stopped for 2 days in Marquette on the way back home. My husband has some family there so we visited with one of his sisters who made some fantastic coffee and food recommendations for us. The Huron Mountain Bakery had some sweet treats that were out of this world. Dinner with my sister-in-law at Lagniappe’s was amazing. I probably wouldn’t have choose a Cajun joint for my first pick, but I would have missed out big time. The vegetarian risotto was tops. I stopped at Dead River Coffee for a perfect Iced Mocha. I also bought a couple bags of their fresh roasted coffee beans, which I am very glad I did…great coffee. Another great coffee I took home was from Keweenaw Coffee Works. Even the decaf is good! And of course I could not leave Marquette without stopping in Donckers for a bag of their in house made specialty chocolates and treats.

There were many other places that I wanted to dine at and sample, but as we all know, our vacations are never long enough, are they. So, until the next time…

Enjoy your day!