Love My Dumbbells

Disclaimer…I am no Dr., this is simply my years of experience with lifting weights that I would like to share with you. You should always check with your Dr. before starting any workout program. I would also encourage you to consult a personal trainer to help you safety begin your strength training journey.

We all know the importance of physical activity when it comes to our health. But with the busy, hectic schedules we often have to deal with, sometimes the workouts get the push out. Our technology today has made certain aspects of our lives easier . Too easy in some cases, i.e. online shopping. We have machines to do most any task needed. Laundry…check…no more scrubbing clothes with your hands. Dishes…check…load dirty dishes, hit button, wait, clean dishes come out like magic. Need to go somewhere…check…Uber & arrive. However, the trade off for all of our modern conveniences is that we are doing less and less physical work. Which sounds good on the surface, but our health has suffered because of it. 100 years ago most people didn’t need gym memberships. They were simply more active for more hours of their day then we are today. Now we are tasked with having to make the choice to set aside the time and get moving. But what’s the best activity to maximize your efforts and time? In my opinion, you should consider weight lifting. I’m not talking about trying to break a world record for power lifting here. I’m talking about lifting weights that you can safely move to maintain muscle, strength, and balance as you age. And who wouldn’t want that? Need more convincing? Here are a few more health benefits to weight training. Enjoy!

Good For Bone Density

Strength training creates force on your bones. This makes them grow stronger to adapt to the force. Stronger bones help your posture as well.

Better Controlled Blood Sugar

Weight training improves your muscles use of glucose. The more glucose your muscles pull from your blood, your blood sugar levels go down.

Boosts Brain Health & Fights Cognitive Decline

Strength training increases blood flow and oxygen to our brains, which has been proven in studies to help cognitive function.

Lowers Body Fat

When you lift weights you burn calories, but you also are increasing lean muscle mass. Muscle mass increases your metabolism, which helps you keep the fat off your body.

Help Prevent Injuries

Lifting weights helps to strengthen the muscles and tendons around your joints, which helps to prevent injuries in your daily life.

Good For Your Heart

Strength training has been shown to lower your blood pressure, which is good for heart health.

May Improve Your Sleep

Many people report that the quality of their sleep improved, in addition to having more energy during the day, when they started lifting weights.

Improves Your Balance

Your balance is related to how strong your muscles are. The stronger your muscles are throughout your body, the better your balance will be. Which is so important as we age.

Improves Your Mood

When you lift weights, you increase your level of endorphins, which increases your energy and improves your mood.

Boosts Your Confidence

Many people report that lifting weight makes them feel powerful and improves their self-image. Who wouldn’t like that little boost!

I hope you enjoyed this info and I wish you health and longevity!

Have a wonderful day!