Food is such a big part of our life. We obviously need it to sustain ourselves, but for people like me who are foodies, it’s more than that. I will admit that I probably spend an abnormal amount of time thinking about food, looking at pictures of food, reading online food menus, browsing food recipes, and of course eating food. I can’t help it. I really wish I was like a small handful of people I know who really don’t think about food. They only eat because they don’t want to starve to death. They have no passion for food. They don’t really talk about food. And they certainly don’t get caught up in food porn.

One of the reasons I am always searching out new recipes is because I am a vegetarian that is married to a non-vegetarian. I usually look for meals that can easily be served both ways. We also tend to look up restaurants before we go to make sure there will be something for both of us. Most of the time I can find something just about anywhere, but the few times I was burned were enough to remind me to look first.

I do have to say that one of the more interesting things about eating vegetarian is other people. Why is it an opportunity to make fun of someone? Believe me, it’s not that I’m offended or butt-hurt, it’s just that I have never heard anyone pester someone if they do not consume gluten. So why is it funny that someone does not eat animals? I NEVER say ANYTHING about what others eat. But there is no shortage of people who just can’t let you be. Don’t think so? Look online at all the trolls who go onto vegan or vegetarian sites just to make ignorant comments. Who actually has time for that?! Do you really think we haven’t heard your bacon joke? I guess it never gets old. Or how about the odd questions like “you don’t even eat chicken?” Um…no. O.K…Enough about people who annoy/entertain me.

The simple truth is I love food. I love cooking. I love eating. I love finding new ways to make a classic dish. I love surprising people with a recipe they didn’t think they would like but do. When it comes to food, nothing makes me happier then when I take a dish to a large gathering and everyone loves it! I secretly beam inside when people tell me I’m a good cook and they look forward to the stuff I make. Because really, food is love. Hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks for stopping by.