Tag: vegetarian

Canning Perfect Pickles & Veggies

Baking in the sun! Over the last couple of years, I have been trying my hand at canning, and working to perfect my recipe for homemade pickles. My husband and I probably eat an abnormal amount of pickles in any given year. We just love them. But we’re fussy. We don’t love just any old…

Meatless Monday Falafel Pitas

Falafel Pitas Hooray! It’s Meatless Monday! OK…so everyday is meatless for me. But this Falafel Pita Recipe is so good, that I am that excited to share it with you! If you have never had falafel you are missing out on a delicious Mediterranean food. The main ingredient in falafel is garbanzo beans, also known…

Delicious Cheesy Veggie Risotto

Veggie Risotto I imagine we have all gone to a restaurant at some point in our lives and had something so tasty that it left you thinking to yourself, “I need this in my life!” This dish was one of those for me. I discovered it during our trip to the U.P. back in September….

Vanilla Cranberry Protein Bars

I have been craving something made with oatmeal lately for some reason. I don’t know, maybe it’s the weather? I was looking in the pantry for my usual protein bar ingredients when I noticed that I had some dried cranberries that needed to be used up. I do not remember if I have ever made…

Date & Nut Bites

Date & Nut Bites I love when super simple recipes turn out to be super delicious treats! This is one of them. I had a sweet tooth last week and couldn’t figure out what I wanted to snack on. I had already eaten way too much candy and needed something that was made of actual…

Vegan Date & Pumpkin Seed Protein Bars

I’m really excited to share this recipe with you today because this little gem is not only a tasty, crunchy snack, it’s also loaded with good stuff! Pumpkin seeds & flaxseeds are tiny little nutritional powerhouses. Dates add a natural sweetness along with a good dose of fiber. And the coconut oil and peanut butter…

BBQ Veggie Chicken Nuggets

BBQ Veggie Nuggets…These are so good! Who doesn’t love the flavor of BBQ? The smell, the spices, the sticky, gooey deliciousness! MMMM..YES. The truth is a lot of people think that if you are a vegetarian or vegan that you can’t enjoy good BBQ. Today, that just isn’t true. Now more than ever there are…

Easy Fried Zucchini Fritters

Easy Fried Zucchini Fritters If you are someone who enjoys planting a garden in the Spring, chances are that you probably included at least one zucchini plant. It’s also likely that you were trying to figure out what the heck to do with all the zucchini that you ended up with! At least that’s what…

Easy, Awesome Bruschetta Recipe

LOVE THIS BRUSCHETTA! Anyone who knows me at all knows I LOVE BREAD. Yes, I am well aware that it is nothing more than a giant loaf of carbs. I DON’T CARE! The truth is bread just doesn’t seem as popular as it once was. With the rise of certain diets, (keto, low/no carb), as…

Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

All you need for an awesome vegan smoothie! If you are looking for an easy, healthy way to sneak more protein into your diet, or just looking for a quick, nutritious snack on the go, look no further. This is the vegan protein smoothie I make almost every single day! Yes, I love it that…