Tag: nutrition

The Importance Of Vitamin B-12 For Health

There is no shortage of vitamins, minerals, and supplements on the market today, all trying to convince us that each one is the magic bullet for optimum health. Separating the hype from the facts is no easy task. So which vitamins and supplements do you really need? I believe the answer is different for all…

Best Sources Of Protein For Vegetarians & Vegans

There’s no doubt that our bodies need protein to thrive. Protein is often described as the building blocks of our muscles, organs, and tissues. Many weight loss experts recommend eating a diet that is higher in protein and lower in simple carbohydrates if you want to drop weight. But just how much protein does one…

Why We Need Magnesium

Disclaimer…I am not a Dr., nor a nutrition expert…I am simply sharing my experiences and opinions about a mineral that has had a positive impact on my health and wellness. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in our bodies. Yet many of us are probably not getting enough of it through our diets…